
Auburn Honors College

Participated in honors week of service
Led public relations team in promoting week of service
Preparing to graduate with honors

Honors I've Earned

In my time in high school and college, I’ve received several academic honors, including membership into Phi Kappa Phi, one of America’s oldest honor societies, as a junior at Auburn.

Additionally, I was named to the Dean’s List every semester during my time in Auburn, and I’m currently on track to graduate summa cum laude with a 4.0/4.0 grade point average. Within the Honors College, I’ve led the public relations committee for the K(no)w Poverty initiative.

University Program Council

Member of Publicity Team
Designed event promotion
Promoted events on-campus through tabling and calendar distribution


My freshman year, I applied for a position on Auburn UPC’s publicity committee. As a pre-public relations major, I was eager to gain experience. I was chosen for the team shortly afterward, and I soon began printing handbills, designing calendars, tabling on the university concourse, and handing out organizational swag.

Our job? Promote the dozens of events UPC hosts each year, from famous comedians to midnight movies on the local green space.

Eagle Eye TV

Marketing Assistant
Sports Photographer and Videographer


As a freshman, I joined Eagle Eye’s marketing team to promote the campus TV station. We actively worked to build the organization’s social media platforms, strategically boosting our follower numbers by more than 500 over the course of the semester. We actively engaged with the student body, tabling visibly on the concourse and planning/promoting community events.

Since I’ve begun work at Campus Recreation, I’ve left Eagle Eye’s marketing behind. However, I’m still involved with the organization as a sports photographer, covering select football and basketball games.

Elsewhere on Campus

Member of the PRCA and the PRSSA
Nominated to LeaderShape conference for student leaders
Active member of local Wesley Foundation
Member of French and Italian clubs
Played intramural flag football


I’ve also joined many campus organizations while in Auburn. Some I’ve joined for the friendships (French club), while others I joined for personal growth and engagement (intramural sports and the Wesley Foundation). Still others I joined for professional development, like the Public Relations Council of Alabama and the Public Relations Student Society of America.

And two years ago, my boss nominated me to attend the LeaderShape Institute, a collaborative and educational experience for student leaders on campus. There I not only enjoyed the chance to learn more about my personal style of leadership, but I also learned about networking and the importance of making connections.

Auburn Honors College

Participated in honors week of service
Led public relations team in promoting week of service
Preparing to graduate with honors

Honors I’ve Earned

In my time in high school and college, I’ve received several academic honors, including membership into Phi Kappa Phi, one of America’s oldest honor societies, as a junior at Auburn.

Additionally, I was named to the Dean’s List every semester during my time in Auburn, and I’m currently on track to graduate summa cum laude with a 4.0/4.0 grade point average. Within the Honors College, I’ve led the public relations committee for the K(no)w Poverty initiative.

Honors I’ve Earned

In my time in high school and college, I’ve received several academic honors, including membership into Phi Kappa Phi, one of America’s oldest honor societies, as a junior at Auburn.

Additionally, I was named to the Dean’s List every semester during my time in Auburn, and I’m currently on track to graduate summa cum laude with a 4.0/4.0 grade point average. Within the Honors College, I’ve led the public relations committee for the K(no)w Poverty initiative.

Auburn Honors College

Participated in honors week of service
Led public relations team in promoting week of service
Preparing to graduate with honors

University Program Council

Member of Publicity Team
Designed event promotion
Promoted events on-campus through tabling and calendar distribution


My freshman year, I applied for a position on Auburn UPC’s publicity committee. As a pre-public relations major, I was eager to gain experience. I was chosen for the team shortly afterward, and I soon began printing handbills, designing calendars, tabling on the university concourse, and handing out organizational swag.

Our job? Promote the dozens of events UPC hosts each year, from famous comedians to midnight movies on the local green space.


As a freshman, I joined Eagle Eye’s marketing team to promote the campus TV station. We actively worked to build the organization’s social media platforms, strategically boosting our follower numbers by more than 500 over the course of the semester. We actively engaged with the student body, tabling visibly on the concourse and planning/promoting community events.

Since I’ve begun work at Campus Recreation, I’ve left Eagle Eye’s marketing behind. However, I’m still involved with the organization as a sports photographer, covering select football and basketball games.

Eagle Eye TV

Marketing Assistant
Sports Photographer and Videographer

Elsewhere on Campus

Member of the PRCA and the PRSSA
Nominated to LeaderShape conference for student leaders
Active member of local Wesley Foundation
Member of French and Italian clubs
Played intramural flag football


I’ve also joined many campus organizations while in Auburn. Some I’ve joined for the friendships (French club), while others I joined for personal growth and engagement (intramural sports and the Wesley Foundation). Still others I joined for professional development, like the Public Relations Council of Alabama and the Public Relations Student Society of America.

And two years ago, my boss nominated me to attend the LeaderShape Institute, a collaborative and educational experience for student leaders on campus. There I not only enjoyed the chance to learn more about my personal style of leadership, but I also learned about networking and the importance of making connections.

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